
第四部分:. adsv - 335
批准人:博士. Pamela J. Transue, 08/02/11


Upon request, the President, or President’s designee, may grant a leave of absence without pay to exempt employees for family leave, temporary disability, and government 服务的叶子.

Furthermore, the President may grant leave without compensation for professional or personal reasons to any regular exempt employee who has been employed as an exempt employee at the College at least one (1) year, whenever such leave does not impose 学院的经营或财政困难.

The following further delineates the provisions for leave without pay.

A. After one (1) year of successful employment, a regular exempt employee shall be eligible for and may be granted a leave without pay for the following reasons:

  • 专业提升进修.
  • 专业咨询活动.
  • 外汇教学或管理.
  • Professional improvement through study of business, industry, personal creative activity, 或者作为雇员或实习生.
  • 研究:与某人的职责领域有关的研究.
  • Work for a federal or state agency in a capacity related to one's area of responsibility.

B. An exempt employee may be granted leave without pay to serve in the Armed Forces if drafted or called into active service from a reserve status, or to serve in some 其他联邦资助的组织.

C .Leave without pay may be granted to an exempt employee for documented, temporary disabilities (including those related to pregnancy, miscarriage, abortion, childbirth, 和恢复).

  • This provision shall not limit the exempt employee's right to use accrued sick leave.
  • Documentation shall be required for all requests for temporary disability leave, and all subsequent requests for extension of the temporary disability leave, and must be submitted at the time of the request for leave without compensation or extension 关于休假. However, this requirement may be waived, at the President's discretion, 在情有可原的情况下.
  • The requirement of documentation shall include a medical statement from the employee's health care provider indicating the nature of the disability, the impact of the disability on the employee’s ability to perform his or her duties, and an estimation of when the employee might be expected to return to these duties.

D. Upon request by the employee and upon receipt of documentation of the employee’s wife’s or domestic partner’s pregnancy and/or childbirth, or the adoption of a child, leave without pay may be granted to exempt employees in addition to the leave required 根据任何联邦和/或州的家庭假法律 .

E. Upon request by the employee and upon receipt of documentation of a medical condition a leave without pay may be granted to exempt employees for medical reasons related to the employee or the employee’s family members in addition to the leave required 根据任何联邦和/或州的家庭假法律.

F. A leave without pay shall be limited to a maximum of one (1) year. 总统 但是,可以批准延长这样的假期吗.

G. An exempt employee returning to the College from temporary disability, maternity, governmental service, or other leaves without compensation shall return to a position, salary, and rank as specified in the leave agreement established between the employee and the President prior to the leave, or as otherwise required by state and federal 法规.


The purpose of this policy is to define and establish the terms and conditions for 无薪休假的申请和使用资格.


This policy applies to all exempt employees, except the President of the College. This policy does not apply to academic employees, classified employees, part-time temporary employees, volunteers, or the President of the College.


28B.50.551 RCW休假一般规定.



无薪休假 – a leave without pay granted for the purpose of an extended absence from work for qualifying family, temporary disability, government service, professional or personal reasons, beyond periodic or short term absences that may otherwise be covered by routine 填写休假表.



If the request for leave is for other than professional or personal reasons:

  1. An employee shall first discuss the request for a leave without pay with his/her immediate 主管.
  2. Following discussion with his/her 主管, the employee must file a written request or notice of the need for a leave without pay to the employee’s 主管 detailing the need for the leave, begin date 关于休假, and the expected date upon which 员工应休假归来.
  3. The employee must also submit a copy 关于休假 request to the employee’s administrator, 和人力资源办公室.
  4. The Human 资源 Office will review the leave requests for other than professional or personal reasons and provide a response to the employee on behalf of the College.

If the request for the leave is for professional or personal reasons:

  1. An employee shall first discuss the request for a leave without pay with his/her immediate 主管.
  2. Following discussion with his/her 主管, the employee must file a written request for a leave without pay to the President of the College detailing the purpose of the leave, begin date 关于休假, and the date upon which the employee shall return 从离开.
  3. The employee must also submit a copy 关于休假 request to the employee’s administrator, 行政人员和人力资源办公室.
  4. 总统, at his/her discretion, will review the professional leave requests 并决定批准哪些请求.
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