

什么学生 & 员工需要知道

澳门威尼斯人在线赌场的目标是 向学生和教职员提供有关酒精和药物滥用的信息, the college position on use, the risks and consequences associated with illicit 使用,以及为那些可能遇到问题的人寻求帮助的方法.  健康的选择 而积极的决策只能基于准确的信息.  如果你 have any questions about these policies, please contact the Student Affairs Administration office in 建筑7 at 253-566-5115 or the Human 资源 Office in Building 14 at 253-566-5054. 



  • 干扰学习. 研究表明,使用和滥用非法药物的学生 酒精的总体得分明显较低.
  • 扭曲感官输入和感知,夸大情绪. 当这种情况发生时, 用户不能完全控制自己的行为.  他们受到伤害的风险更高 自己或他人.  酒后驾车就是一个例子,约会强奸又有所增加 争论或打架是其他原因.
  • Make users feel that they are performing at their best when actual performance is 很妥协. 这可能会导致较差的成绩或工作表现.  这可能会导致 to an increased risk of accidents occurring due to misjudging a situation or missing 关键信息.
  • 使使用者面临医疗并发症或医疗紧急情况的风险. 例如, ingesting large quantities of alcohol can interfere with breathing, and an overdose 有些药物会导致心脏不正常甚至心脏骤停.



All psychoactive drugs (including alcohol) can produce negative health risks associated 长期使用.  此外,所有这些药物都可能造成严重的风险,如异常 吸毒女性胎儿的发育,脑损伤和先天缺陷.  的 以下是可能的健康风险:

兴奋剂:  包括可卡因,尼古丁,安非他明.  焦虑,躁动,营养不良,亢奋 blood pressure, irregular heartbeat, insomnia, amphetamine/cocaine psychosis, convulsions, 心脏衰竭.

Depressants-sedatives /催眠药:  包括酒精,甲喹酮,苯二氮卓类药物,巴比妥类药物.  中枢神经系统 depression, impaired thinking and judgment, loss of coordination, disorientation, 失去记忆和抑制力,昏迷,可能死于服药过量.

大麻:  包括大麻和大麻.  Confusion and disorientation, difficulty concentrating, short-term memory loss, poor motivation, anxiety, fatigue, paranoia, psychosis, lung damage, cancer, reproductive 异常,心血管影响.

关于大麻的特别说明: 大麻 remains illegal for minors (persons under 21 years of age) to possess, sell 或使用或拥有超过28的金额是非法的.3克. 大麻 remains illegal under federal law and policies concerning marijuana at the college 保持不变. 在大学里生产、分发或使用大麻是违法的 财产或在大学赞助的活动期间.

迷幻剂:  包括LSD, PCP,美斯卡灵和贝约特,安非他明变种.  错觉、幻觉、 poor perception of time and distance, increased heart rate and blood pressure, panic 闪回,可能诱发精神病.

毒品:  包括鸦片,海洛因,吗啡,可待因,美沙酮.  焦虑、困倦和昏睡, nausea, mental confusion, constipation, respiratory depression, coma or death as a 用药过量的结果.

吸入剂:  包括胶水,油漆稀释剂,汽油,气溶胶喷雾剂.  恶心,头痛,知觉 distortions, central nervous system depression, impaired judgment and thinking, damage 脑活,肾活,骨髓活,肺活,猝死.


饮酒会导致许多显著的行为变化.  即使是低剂量 significantly impair the judgment and coordination required to drive a car safely, 增加了司机卷入事故的可能性.  低到 moderate doses of alcohol also increase the incidence of a variety of aggressive acts, 包括虐待配偶和儿童.  中高剂量的酒精会导致明显的 impairments in higher mental functions, severely altering a person’s ability to learn 记住信息.  非常高的剂量会导致呼吸抑制和死亡.  If combined with other depressants of the central nervous system, much lower doses 酒精会产生刚才描述的效果.

反复饮酒会导致对酒精的依赖.  突然停止饮酒 is likely to produce withdrawal symptoms, including severe anxiety, tremors, hallucinations 和抽搐.  戒酒可能会危及生命.  长期食用 of large quantities of alcohol, particularly when combined with poor nutrition, can also lead to permanent damage to vital organs such as the brain and the liver.

Mothers who drink alcohol during pregnancy may give birth to infants with fetal alcohol 并发症状.  的se infants have irreversible physical abnormalities and mental retardation.  In addition, research indicates that children of alcoholic parents are at greater 比其他青少年更容易成为酗酒者.


的 State of Washington, by law, provides what is called a “continuum” of help.  No matter what kind of alcohol or drug problem exists or how serious it may be, there 是否有治疗资源可以解决这个问题.  这范围从即时 medical crisis (detoxification) to inpatient and outpatient treatment for chemical 依赖,到善后和后续服务.  治疗的类型和长度 will be set to the level needed to take care 问题的关键 and help the person restore 敬酒精和毒品的正常功能.  提供各种 types of treatment are required to maintain high professional standards, and are regulated 由华盛顿州酒精和药物滥用司负责.  治疗项目 are required to provide only the right types and amounts of professional care necessary 恢复和维持正常的功能.

Tacoma Community College does not offer direct treatment for alcohol or drug abuse 或上瘾.  它可以并将帮助任何学生或工作人员寻求适当的 服务.  Getting the right type and amount of help begins by getting a thorough assessment 问题的关键.  福利计划和部分或全部私人保险 你可能有空吗.  学生和工作人员可以联系以下任何资源 在校内和校外获得帮助:






Al-Anon / Alateen

360年奥林匹亚.407.9490; 1.877.313.4455
www.hr.wa.gov / EAP

TCC咨询中心 建筑7

行为准则 & 纪律制裁


It is the college’s intent to provide a drug-free, healthful, safe and secure work and educational environment and to comply with the Federal Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 and the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act of 1986 (Public Law 99-570, 第四章,副标题B)及其1989年的修正案(公法101-226).  非法 manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession or use of a 控制物质 在澳门威尼斯人在线赌场内是被禁止的.

2013-2015 Biennial Review for Compliance with Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act 条例(DOC)
2015-2017 Biennial Review for Compliance with Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act 条例(DOC)

No employee will report to work while under the influence of alcohol or any unlawful 控制物质.  任何违反本政策的员工都可能被处以合理的罚款 suspicion testing, referral for mandatory evaluation/treatment for substance abuse disorder or disciplinary action 直至并包括解雇 in accordance with federal and state laws, applicable collective bargaining unit agreements, tenure laws or other 大学政策.  与酗酒和吸毒有关的政策可用于 人力资源部员工.

It is TCC policy that any student who violates a provision of the Code of Student 行为将受到纪律处分.  纪律处分包括在 detail in WAC 132V-121-070 of the Code, and may include:  1) disciplinary warning, 2) disciplinary reprimand, 3) disciplinary probation, 4) disciplinary suspension, 或者驱逐.  学生行为准则的副本可在学生处找到 7号楼事务管理办公室或 在线.

In addition, Washington State statutes and federal laws make the possession or distribution 非法毒品和酒精是犯罪,可判处监禁、罚款或两者兼施.


A summary of the legal penalties for the unlawful possession or distribution of illicit 毒品和酒精可以在253号18号楼的咨询中心找到.566.5122.  如果你 wish more information on these, you will be referred to appropriate federal, 可以提供更多细节和回答问题的州或地方资源.  在那里 有一些法律是针对酗酒和吸毒的吗.  这是你的责任 理解并遵守这些规则.

Violations of this policy by any student may result in disciplinary warning, reprimand, 留校察看、停学或开除.  员工违规可能导致转介 for mandatory evaluation/treatment for substance abuse disorder or disciplinary action 直至并包括解雇.  此外,州和联邦法律规定占有 or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol a crime subject to imprisonment, fine 或两个.

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